Stylishly Personalise Your Yoga Mat

Yoga is an excellent exercise for body, mind and spirit; it can be very restorative and is not only considered a fitness tool that can help with many other issues that crop up in a busy life, including better sleep, clearer skin, and a reduction of stress and anxiety levels.

It’s also a very easy discipline to practice without expensive props and gear; all you really need is a yoga mat. But, of course, the more you progress, the more you might feel like putting your own stamp on your yoga mat, and with a stylishly personalised yoga mat, you can certainly achieve that goal.

Personalised Yoga Mats: Make it Your Own

If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, you will know that they have studio mats, but to be honest, most people avoid using these. It’s a bit like having to change into lost property PE kit because you forgot yours at school. Yoga mats become part of the yoga practice, and for many people, it’s vital that they have a mat they enjoy working from. You will notice that there is a myriad of mats on sale, some with patterns and pictures, others in plain colours.

You may want to personalise your yoga mat, so it stands out as being just for you. Equally, many yoga studios and fitness centres have personalised branded yoga mats to make people feel part of the team when attending classes. 

Either way, you want to make sure you have a stylish mat that really speaks of your personality, authenticity, and zest for life.

Personalised Yoga Mats from Yoga Studio

We are delighted to be able to offer mat personalisation as part of the many services we have. Of course, when you are creating something so special and unique, it does take a little bit more time for us to manufacture, so we always say that customisable items take 12 to 13 working days, but if we can get them to you sooner, we certainly will. Because they have been customised to perfectly complements your own yoga practice, they are also non refundable unless faulty. So let’s have a look at some of the ways you could personalise your yoga mat.

Personalised Yoga Mats with Name or initials

For some people, adding their names or initials is a perfect way to mark the yoga mat. It means it never gets mixed up with anybody else’s, and you can either choose to use your name or just your initials to put your stamp on it.

Personalised Yoga Mats with a Logo or Image

You may have a particular image that you associate with yoga, for example, the Ohm symbol or the Lotus flower. These are often associated with yoga practice and could be a great way to personalise your yoga mat. You could design something along the lines but that is unique to you.

Personalised Yoga Mats with Mantras

Yoga also works with mantras, and these are motivational sayings that stand back from its roots in India. Om Mani Padme Hum, So Hum, and Namaste are just a few mantras that are associated with yoga practice. 

Many people choose to use these on their yoga mats to help them stay focused and motivated and remember the higher purpose for which they are striving with a yoga practice. 

Personalised Yoga Mats with Mandalas

Mandala is a beautiful line drawing that has symmetry and pattern. They are perfect for a yoga mat; as many people say, it helps them focus when meditating. You can clear your mind by looking at the lines of the pattern and following them with your eyes. It can be very relaxing to note the pattern, and every time you look at it, you see something a little bit different.

The Best Mat to Personalise

In order to personalise your yoga mat, you need to pick a material that is suitable for printing.

That is why we use our sticky mats. Our 6mm Deluxe Yoga Mats are made To European Standards, and they are made from the latest environmental polymer resins. They are 6-P Free, Free of Phthalate, AZO, DOP, Phenol, and Heavy Metals. i.e. No Nasties at all!  6mm is also a perfect depth as it offers a soft and shock-absorbent surface that is comfortable and provides insulation from a cold floor.

These mats have a stable nonslip surface, and yet they are machine washable and tear-proof. They are a standard 183cm x 61cm x 60 mm. 

Some yoga mats are made from different materials that may not be suitable for printing on; for example, it can be harder to print on rubber yoga mats. However, with such a wide range of choice when it comes to the base colour of your mat, there is certainly plenty of scopes to create a mat that is exclusively yours.

Personalised Yoga Mat Care

It is really important that no matter what yoga mat you have, even a stylish personalised yoga mat, you look after it. During class, your mat will accumulate dirt and sweat. It’s pretty normal to roll up your mat and head for home as soon as the class finishes, but you also need to let your mat dry out. So once you’re home and roll it and let it air. Every week you should write your yoga mat with a damp cloth and cleansing solution as per the instructions that came with it. Never put your yoga mat away until it has dried. It’s also vital that you don’t wear shoes on your yoga mat and only have bare feet. We have already mentioned that our yoga mats can be machine washed, and the instructions on how to do so will come with it. Any yoga mat with printing and personalisation can lose some of the colours and patterns over time as it may wear off. However, looking after it well will keep it in tip-top condition for as long as possible. So what are you waiting for? Create the perfect custom yoga mat today.

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