Strengthen Mind & Body with Yoga Bolsters

Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise, and with the undeniable mind-body link that creates synchronicity within. It is also very accessible to all, irrespective of physical health, and many poses can be modified to suit different physical limitations. Yoga bolsters are perfect for supporting your body and helping you achieve positions that may otherwise be unavailable. 

They also help with your mind and spiritual health, as we will explore.

Body Support

Yoga bolsters tend to be deeper and more malleable than yoga blocks providing the perfect support for any posture that you are not yet able to fully perform. Sometimes the position seems unattainable because the brain has an inbuilt defence mechanism, a fear of doing anything that could cause injury or pain. Supporting various body parts with a yoga bolster or zafu cushion gives confidence as you learn just how far the body can bend and flex. It creates a better alignment within the body, and therefore the risk of injury is minimised, and you remain fully supported throughout.

Posture Support

The modern world is one of the worst things for posture. Sitting in sedentary jobs, slouching on sofas, and walking with poor posture, can all create pain and problems. Yoga is perfect for undoing the damage of daily life, and a yoga bolster can be used to help realign your posture. It is used under the hips and will help realign the spine. Not only is this good at the end of a long day in the office, but going forwards. 

It means that you are practising the yoga poses with the correct alignment and therefore are less likely to become injured but instead achieve maximum benefits and relieve tension.

Circulation Support

Another key benefit of using yoga bolsters is the effect they have on the circulatory system. In many poses, you are looking to open the body and relieve tension, and placing a yoga bolster lengthways under your spine and chest can help achieve this. This immediately improves your circulation, allowing the body to send fresh, oxygenated blood much more easily. It can also be used to relieve the swelling that can come from standing or sitting for too long in one position. Propped under the feet in Savasana, it can help drain any swelling and inflammation from the ankles.

Stress and Tension Relief

Mini yoga poses are classed as restorative, designed to help you relax and let go of all of the tension and stress you have built up. Using your yoga bolster helps the body achieve the perfect position and stimulates your nervous system, which intern can release deep-seated stress.  

A yoga bolster can also be placed under the head instead of a pillow to ensure good neck alignment and relaxation.

Metabolism Support

Yoga poses that twist and stretch the stomach are designed to support the digestive system and, in many cases, will help to improve the metabolism. Using a yoga bolster in these poses is a great way to help your metabolism, and in some cases, there have been reports of adding weight loss.

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