A Guide to Meditation

It is important to acknowledge that these concepts are usually best practiced for a short period of time, such as alone or in a class. We all have responsibilities and pressures, but these concepts should create an outlook that may be carried through into our day to day lives. Meditation is a huge subject and this page explains how the fundamental concepts could be applied in a Yoga class:

Western Origins

The original meaning of the word comes from the Latin ‘meditation’ meaning ‘to think, contemplate, devise, ponder.’ However, with regards to modern Yoga, achieving various poses require concentration and so the focus is shifted to oneself which has led to the term mindfulness.

A tool with a variety of applications for health

We all have different life experiences that affect us in different ways which may be physical or psychological and sometimes the two may be intertwined. Meditation can be used in a variety of ways to improve the wellness of an individual. It does not have to entail physical exertion but through using the various techniques one’s mind may be distracted from the negative and shifted to positive development.

Mindfulness - There's nothing you can do, stay calm and focus on something positive.

Is a concept whose origins come from Yoga but does not encompass Yoga poses. The foundation of mindfulness is paying attention to the present and concentrating on a single aspect that may be monitored. At it’s simplest, it is a distraction technique where mental effort needs to be made to focus on experiences occurring in the present without judgment. The simplest form of utilising the mindfulness technique is concentrating on ones breathing, taste, or the air passing over the skin. There are a number of products that can facilitate this form of meditation such as scented candles, oils and gemstones. If achieving meditation using this technique is difficult due to existing pain we also offer products for relief.

Focus based meditation - If there is something that you can do, then focus on it and achieve your goals.

A practice whereby the mind is focussed on a particular object, thought, or activity. A number of Yoga poses are difficult to achieve and maintain, therefore focus is required. The harder the pose or transition the more concentration is needed which eliminates stressful thoughts. Once a task has been learned, repetition may also bring a form of meditation as improvement in itself requires focus. Physical development will also yield positive results as post-exercise one’s focus will be shifted to the needs of the body A number of different props and meditation equipment is utilised by various yoga practitioners and these are available in the store such as, Chi balls, yoga mats, balance boards, power loops and yoga wheels.


After complete focus on a particular task has been achieved and completed, relaxation may occur. This is usually when the meditation has been completed and the mind is free to refocus itself. After concentrating on achievable goals, it is hoped that a calmer frame of mind may be achieved.

How this plays out in a typical Yoga class:

     • Meditation to prepare the mind, grounding, a primary attempt to focus on the here and now.
     • Preparation for focus, using various stretches to limber up your muscles before exercise.
     • Perform a number of poses with transitions to achieve complete focus of the mind.
     • Stretch and rehydrate
     • Relaxation

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